Welcome to Cozies

Introduction to the Cozies project.

What is Cozies?

Cozies is a Web3-native well-being brand leading a new global movement toward a “Cozy” culture, which we define as being comfortable with who you are, what you own, and where you are going.

Cozies is an advocacy movement that sprang forth from some of the problems arising in Web3. Together, Cozies are a forward-thinking collective of independent innovators, wanderers, and peace seekers who have left an unsustainable culture of never-ending hype and risky ventures to face a new direction — toward the self and a shared vision of the future, knowing lifelong growth is achieved and experienced together.

The organization and project are focused on creating unique, decentralized, digital identities that unlock a wider potential for well-being and immersive experiences, as well as working with the community to develop tools (public goods for holders) that enable expanded utilization possibilities for holders’ intellectual property (IP) in order to aid decentralized brand growth.

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