
Our plan to execute on our mission statements.

This section is designed to be a high-level overview of our plan to execute our Mission statements. For further discussion on utility, please see our Transit Map.


Our first aim is to achieve a paradigm shift in Web3 culture. To achieve this, our focus is on developing suites of tools, engaging activities and support processes that enable holders of Cozies to use their owned NFT IP, and the wider Cozies branding material, in all manner of applications. This will aid the process of decentralized brand growth by enhancing utilization possibilities.

Our longer-term goal is to gain sustainable global recognition as a prominent well-being brand. Seeing Cozies branding anywhere in the world should immediately signal the values of Feeling Cozy. We are working on execution strategies for co-branding partnerships and the elevation of organizations formed by Cozies holders to support this aim in a wider well-being ecosystem.

We are relentless in our pursuit of beautiful, carefully considered design. We want our media and branding activities to feel warm and peaceful, and to utilize cross-disciplinary competencies to create unique, immersive experiences.

Staying Cozy in daily life

It is so important to us to create platforms that enable Cozy culture to exist in people's daily lives. We want holders to share their own journeys with a community that supports them and wants to learn from others, too. To make this happen, we are focused on building immersive digital worldscapes, where our team remains in character and contributes toward making the Cozies universe feel complete. Characters like Jeeves, for example, who help our community across all platforms day and night.

In this way, we provide a positive foundation to holders' daily lives and an escape whenever they need it. All you need to do is hop on the train, any time of day.

Identity, access and personal growth

The concept of identity is pivotal to our project. We believe that decentralized identities are important, and that Cozies holders should be able to use their on-chain Cozies credentials to gain access to an engaging world of well-being on the internet (and later in real life).

Our aim is for holders to be able to benefit from persistent identities, meaning that, as you participate in and enjoy Cozies' experiences, community and other activities, you get to collect digital souvenirs, mementoes and credentials to take with you in your wallet. These will mark an individual's well-being journey and help them to build a unique on-chain identity.

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