Public Goods for Branding

Central to our notion of a decentralized brand is that public goods for holders should be made available by project creators to enable maximal utilization possibilities for holders. Access to this ‘suite of tools’ will be token-locked and only accessible for holders.

To be developed immediately post-mint are:

  • Separated image layers that can be downloaded.

  • Higher-quality version for download.

  • Profile image cropper for social media sites.

  • Brand guidelines and general Cozies branding materials (outside the images assigned to the NFT).

  • Grants for creations and team collaboration.

  • Different poses for characters, i.e., 'auto-rigging'.

  • Tweets and publications from our media team and social channels.

We intend to ask holders which particular adaptation needs they have. For example, whether we should invest time and money into virtual world use of the characters, with a wrapper contract for 3D renders or utilizing core objects in the world (e.g., trains, companions) to provide new places and 3D models to be active in.

As discussed in the previous section, ENS avatars and sub-domains are also to be ideated, to strengthen community ties by wrapping the NFT’s smart contracts via an ENS Name Wrapper. This will enable Cozies holders to own their own unique subdomain (e.g. yourname.cozies.eth) interlinked with the holder's Cozies NFT. Name wrapping would merge the PFPs’ metadata with ENS subdomain capabilities.

Last updated